Leadership vs Management, 5 Aspects Comparison

What are the concepts of leadership and management? As you've probably already guessed this article will help you understand and distinguish these concepts comprehending. What both mean can have a great impact on the way you work with groups and develop your leadership style in order to compare and contrast management and leadership.

We must first have a better idea of what each entails so with that in mind, let's define both leadership and management for the purpose of this discussion is a basic form of working with a group in a position of authority it can be defined as the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner.

Leadership: In contrast leadership is in an advanced and effective form of working with a group it's defined as an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes breaking this definition down.

  • First, notice that it implies a relationship between a leader and a follower a give-and-take there must be a real relationship taking place for leadership
  • Second, both parties and ten real changes and outcomes which are mutually defined the group must work towards a purpose for leadership to take place
  • Third, leadership is people-focused and has a transformational style

Management: Through concepts such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Managers establish detailed plans for achieving specific goals and are more task-focused, this is a basic form of working with a group it is more transactional in nature meaning that a manager asks subordinates for work in exchange for an outcome.

This stands in contrast to management and means that leadership asks more of the leader-follower relationship than simply exchange, it means that leaders and followers work together to make a transformational impact that extends far beyond a working relationship to illustrate the relationship between leadership and management think back to a geometry lesson.

A great manager can be a leader but if a manager resorts to a basic transactional style that person is certainly not a leader to help further explain the difference between leadership and management.

We will examine 5 aspects of a successful organization and look at each from both the leadership and management perspective thief's focus areas are Direction, Followers, Relationships, Outcomes, and Personal qualities.

  1. Direction
    1. Leadership
      1. It is more visionary
      2. It focuses more on long-term or permanent results that are designed to improve rather than maintain the status, a leader will take into account both the short-term and the long-term implications of their decisions
    2. Management
      1. Takes a planning focused approach and is very strategic
      2. It centers on short-term or immediate results
    1. Leadership
      1. It reflects a transactional style leadership however is more culture or value-centric
      2. Leaders acknowledge necessary boundaries like in the employer-employee relationship but understand the importance of knowing and supporting the whole person, this requires going beyond just a transactional relationship additionally
      3. Leaders are developmental with their followers they support and encourage growth
    2. Management
      1. Focuses on strict organizational
      2. Boundaries and emphasizes the distinction between manager and follower
      3. It is more directional
  1. Relationships
    1. Leadership
      1. Leaders focus on people in interactions
      2. They go beyond the formal relationship with followers and attempt to encourage or empower them
      3. Leaders will act as a coach, facilitator or teacher even when they're not required to act in this capacity
    2. Management
      1. Focus on work over people or interactions again this relates back to its transactional nature relationships are seen as the conduit for work rather than for their inherent value managers
      2. Using their positional power or authority to establish and define relationships with their followers
      3. They can act as the boss
  1. Outcomes
    1. Leadership
      1. Leaders will acknowledge that change is often necessary and are open to change
      2. When it's needed they're flexible and they value integrity as an outcome, above all leaders want to act in accordance with their values and those of their followers
    2. Management
      1. Will focus on maintaining existing processes
      2. Improve the efficiency of these processes
  1. Personal qualities
    1. Leadership
      1. Leaders understand that power is a fluid concept
      2. They cannot forcibly control it they're more emotionally connected with their followers
      3. They are open to other ideas this allows leaders to gain more insight into both themselves and others
    2. Management:
      1. Managers emphasize emotional distance from their followers in order to distinguish themselves
      2. They may believe that acting as an expert is the only way to establish and maintain authority
      3. Organizational insight

So in conclusion, leadership is a more complex advanced an effective way of working with a group, and management is a basic form of working with a group from a position of authority typically. Both can borrow from each other strategies. However, we should all strive to become effective leaders in whatever role we may occupy in this article.


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